Posts Tagged ‘mixed breed dog’

Berndernese – an interesting mix!

August 28, 2008

Berndernese – an interesting mix!

Another designer breed with the Bernese Mountain Dog mixed in, this time with a Border Collie. Interesting mix? We think so! When you mix the loyalty and affectionate side of the Berner, with the cunning, intelligent, work-driven side of the Border Collie what do you get? A Berndernese! If you’re considering a Bernderdese it’s obvious why. Your new pet will be easy to train, keen on learning new tricks, and lovable without the energy and aggression that sometimes exists in purebred Border Collies.

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Pomapoo – a family treat!

August 14, 2008

Pomapoo – a family treat!

It’s no doubt the Poodle is used as a breed for many designer dogs; the breed is intelligent, easy to train, fantastic with children, and good natured. When mixing with other breeds, these traits will be passed along making one heck of a pet! The Pomapoo if you haven’t already guessed, is a mix of the Poodle, and Pomeranian. When you take…

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